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Teacher Training Courses

The Dyslexia Association has as one of its main aims the training of teachers in methods of teaching children and adults who have this learning difference.


The Association therefore facilitates specialist training courses, each of which deals with a different aspect of learning.  The Association has a cadre of trained professions who facilitate these courses



Methods for teaching dyslexics

A three-week multi-sensory structured phonics programme for reading, spelling and handwriting based on Orton-Gillingham principals.



The Teaching Programme – “Methods for Teaching Dyslexics” 

This Teaching Course is run annually during the last three weeks of July.

The programme is based on the work of Dr. Samuel Orton, Anna Gillingham and Bessie Stillman.  According to Dr. Orton, a major hurdle in learning to read is the necessity of establishing a firm and consistent association between a visually presented symbol and it's auditory component.  Orton advocated the use of all sensory pathways to reinforce weak memory patterns and to strengthen all pathways.


In the light of research into the importance of phonological awareness and memory the programme has been further evolved to include these necessary skills. 


The programme used by the Dyslexia Association proceeds slowly in small steps, provides immediate feedback, and is multi-sensory in its presentation.  In each case there is much practice and review until the skills become automatic thus freeing the student to concentrate on understanding.  The programme is suitable for teaching children as well as adults.


The Course Includes teacher based

assessments, multi-sensory teaching of reading, handwriting and spelling, phonemic awareness, perception, sequencing, listening skills, language skills, story writing, comprehension, help in the classroom, lesson planning, and meta-cognition.


Emphasis is on practical work and there is ample opportunity to practise the techniques learnt as children come in to be taught during the last two weeks.


The course is limited to 22 participants and is ideal for teachers who can work with small groups in a remedial setting.


Application forms are sent out in April.  Please email or phone the Association to be placed on the list.

3. NOW Mental Imagery
2. NOW Foundations
1.Teaching Programme

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31 Alberto Street,

Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago

Tel: (868) 625-5869
(868) 281-READ (7323)


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