Conduct Training Courses in Specific Methods for Teaching Dyslexics (includes screening). The annual training programme in “Specific methods for Teaching Dyslexics” is run during the July – August school holidays.
Host training in programmes designed for students with difficulties in Phonemic Awareness, Comprehension and expressive language, and Mathematics.
Refer children and adult dyslexics for screening and specialist tutoring. The Association has trained over 1000 teachers so contact us for a tutor in your community.
Run a Bursary Fund to help parents of underprivileged children pay for the tutoring they need.
Keep a register of Educational Psychologists and Speech and Language Therapists for referral for assessments.
Conduct Public awareness sessions on Dyslexia and related learning difficulties.
Make available a library of books, audio books and DVDs to members.
Books, DVDs, and publications on Dyslexia and other learning difficulties
Over 400 audio books for children and adults